Tomorrow's Library is a two year review of public libraries being conducted by the Ministerial Advisory Council on Public Libraries.
It is an opportunity for Victorian communities to shape the future of Victorian public libraries.
The review will be conducted in two stages. Stage one will review the way libraries operate today, what communities want from their future library and comprehensive community and sector consultation. A comprehensive report will be released at the end of 2012 and will inform stage two of the review. The second stage will commence in early 2013 and will review costs, prioritisation of library projects and programs, sustainability and levels of funding. The review will consider:
1. the relevant future services, directions and trends that will lead to changes in the provision and delivery of library services, such as emerging technologies, e-books, telephony, internet, partnership arrangements and the increasing role of libraries as community spaces and changing community needs;
2. the services currently provided by libraries in Victoria and a comparison to those provided in other Australian states and territories; 3. procurement practices and opportunities for standardisation of operations including borderless libraries and inter-library operations; 4. an analysis of the sustainability and diversity of library services; 5. the aggregate level of funding and funding accountability provided by the three tiers of government to support public library services including analysis of other jurisdictions;
6. the efficiency and effectiveness of specific purpose funding of public library services which includes the question of tied or untied library funding to councils; and
7. the appropriate level of recurrent funding and capital contribution necessary to support the operation of public libraries including opportunities to engage with private and philanthropic sector support.